The ready-made Insta-worthy Confetti Bar

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Your wedding day is the best day of your life, and in the age of Instagram, making sure every little detail is just right and exactly how you imagined helps to make your day perfect. As a little helping hand, Shropshire Petals have just launched their new Confetti Bar package, the ideal ready-made confetti bundle for you to create a beautiful, Insta-worthy confetti bar.

Confetti Bars are a popular choice for 2019 as they create a focal point for your guests, which get them fully involved with your confetti moment. The Confetti Bar is ideal to place inside or outside your venue ready for guests to create their own confetti cocktail, ready to shower you with to celebrate your newly married status.

The Confetti Bar package comes in two sizes suitable for 30 or 50 guests to throw, and there are four colour ranges to choose from: pink, blue, vintage and pastel. There are also the options to Pick & Mix your own Confetti Bar and to personalise your confetti cones. Each package includes the perfect amount of confetti for 30 or 50 guests, jars to present the confetti, tongs, wooden spoons, a chalkboard easel to display a message and 30 or 50 confetti cones in the colour of your choice. The ready-made Insta-worthy Confetti Bar

Get creative – add your own style and personality to your Confetti Bar by adding an assortment of decorative touches such as framed photographs of yourselves, add a vintage style chalkboard sign with a wedding related quote scripted on the front or display your day’s itinerary. Adapt your Confetti Bar to your wedding theme or location such as adding textured materials to a table, crates to stand your jars on, pegs, bunting or keep it simple.

The ready-made Insta-worthy Confetti BarThe comedy effect – Every bar needs a ‘barman’, so delegate one of your groomsmen to be the Confetti Bar barman to help direct your guests to the Confetti Bar after the ceremony as well as assisting them with how it works. Add a bell to the bar for your barman to ring when its time for your confetti moment, which will alert your guests to take their places ready to shower you with their chosen confetti blend.

Re-usable – In an eco-conscious world, the confetti jars are ideal for reusing to fill with sweets and treats after the big day. Alternatively, fill them with money to save up for something special after your wedding day, or simply recycle them and help to look after the environment.

Prices start from £50 for a 30-guest package and £80 for a 50-guest package. Shop for your Confetti Bar at


January 10, 2019

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